Source code for privileged_residues.util

import numpy as np
import pyrosetta

from numpy.testing import assert_allclose

from pyrosetta.bindings.utility import bind_method
from pyrosetta.rosetta.core.import_pose import pose_from_pdbstring
from pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric import xyzVector_double_t as V3
from pyrosetta.toolbox.numpy_utils import numpy_to_rosetta

from rif.geom import Ray

def apply_transform(self, xform):
    """Apply a homogeneous transform to the current pose.

    xform : np.ndarray
        A homogeneous transform.

    assert(xform.shape == (4, 4)) # homogeneous transform
    assert_allclose(np.linalg.det(xform[:3,:3]), 1., atol=1e-4)

    Rx = numpy_to_rosetta(xform[:3, :3])
    v = V3(*xform[:3, 3])

    self.apply_transform_Rx_plus_v(Rx, v)

def __iter__(self):
    """Generator for pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t
    instances. Makes casting directly to numpy.array possible.

        The next coordinate value in the vector in the order x, y, z.

    >>> print([i for i in pose.residues[1].xyz(1)])
    [13.092, 4.473, -2.599]

    >>> np.array([*pose.residues[1].xyz(1)])
    array([ 13.092,   4.473,  -2.599])

    for value in [self.x, self.y, self.z]:
        yield value

[docs]def numpy_to_rif(r): """Convert from NumPy ray representation to RIF ray representation. Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray Input NumPy ray. Returns ------- rif.geom.Ray """ return r.astype("f4").reshape(r.shape[:-2] + (8,)).view(Ray)
[docs]def models_from_pdb(fname): """Get models from a PDB as individual poses. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path to a PDB. Yields ------ pyrosetta.Pose The next model in the PDB. """ p = pyrosetta.Pose() with open(fname, "r") as f: model = [] for l in f: if (l.startswith("#")): continue line = l.rstrip() model.append(line) if (line.startswith("ENDMDL")): pose_from_pdbstring(p, pdbcontents="\n".join(model)) yield p.clone() model = [] if (len(model)): pose_from_pdbstring(p, pdbcontents="\n".join(model)) yield p.clone()